Join the ASPIRE Arts Leadership Program

Are you interested in leading an arts organization or have a creative idea for the theatre? Curious how theatre’s work from an administration and/or leadership perspective? Please consider joining the ASPIRE Arts Leadership program in Region 4!

Students in the ASPIRE program will participate in various workshops led by Stefanie Sertich (National ASPIRE Coordinator) and others. Students have the opportunity to create a presentation and present it to selectors for feedback. One fellow from the region will be selected to join the KCACTF National Festival and the National ASPIRE Arts Leadership Cohort in Washington D.C. for a week-long fellowship. 

What to Expect

During the Region IV festival (Feb. 6-10) plan to attend our Orientation meeting and Workshops listed below. Orientation will provide information on the ASPIRE program, the festival workshops, and the National ASPIRE program.  You must be registered for the festival for these sessions. 

  • Presentation Day. FRIDAY at 9am, ASU West Campus, Student Center Building C, Rm 203

    Applicants for the ASPIRE Arts Leadership Program are evaluated based on potential and interest to:

    • Create and articulate an artistic or administrative vision.

    • Lead and inspire others.

    • Collaborate with all members of a team.

    • Engage within the community at large.

    • Think outside the box and innovate.

    • Articulate the theatre’s role and relevance in global diversity and current events.

National ASPIRE Cohort

One fellow from each region will be selected, based on the successful completion of the creative final presentation to a panel of selectors, to join the National ASPIRE cohort in Washington, D.C. for a week-long fellowship.  To be considered for the National Fellowship, attendance and participation in the professional development programming, both the synchronous national programming, and at the regional “homerooms” is required. All students will receive feedback on their work from faculty and professional theatre leaders, in the third week. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

See you there!

Stefanie Sertich

National ASPIRE Coordinator

ASPIRE Coordinator Region 1

ASPIRE Guest Leader Region 4

Professor of Theatre, LaGuardia Community College